Dr. Daniel Carroll provides expert services in diagnosing and treating sleep disorders. Leveraging sophisticated techniques such as sleep studies, including polysomnography and home sleep apnea tests, he ensures accurate diagnosis of sleep disorders like sleep apnea, insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and others.

Should a sleep study reveal sleep apnea, Dr. Carroll guides patients through the process of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy management. This involves the use of a specially designed mask worn during sleep, helping maintain open airways by providing a continuous stream of air.

For cases where non-surgical treatments may not suffice, Dr. Carroll’s surgical proficiency comes into play. Depending on the underlying cause of sleep disruptions, he may recommend procedures ranging from tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy to more complex surgeries.

Trust in Dr. Carroll’s extensive experience and patient-centered approach to navigate your sleep disorders and enhance your quality of sleep. His dedication to patient care ensures that your sleep health is in expert hands.

  • Sleep Study (Polysomnography):

    A sleep study is an overnight examination that allows doctors to monitor you while you sleep. During the study, several physical activities are recorded, including heart rate, brain activity, eye movements, blood pressure, oxygen levels, and body movements. These studies can help diagnose conditions like sleep apnea, where breathing repeatedly stops and starts, or other sleep-related disorders.

  • Home Sleep Apnea Test (HSAT):

    For certain patients, Dr. Carroll may recommend a home sleep apnea test. This is a simplified version of a sleep study that focuses specifically on diagnosing sleep apnea. The test involves a small machine that you take home to record information about your breathing as you sleep.

  • Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Therapy Management:

    If a sleep study indicates that a patient has sleep apnea, Dr. Carroll may recommend treatment with Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy. This involves wearing a mask over the nose and/or mouth during sleep, which is connected to a machine that delivers a continuous flow of air to help keep the airways open.

  • Surgical Interventions:

    In some cases, when non-surgical treatments are ineffective or unsuitable, Dr. Carroll may recommend surgical procedures to alleviate sleep-related issues. This could include procedures like tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, or more complex surgeries, depending on the underlying issue causing sleep disruptions.

Remember to consult with Dr. Carroll or your healthcare provider for the specific sleep study services they offer, as these may vary depending on the healthcare provider.